sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

13 Reasons Why

Yesterday, I saw in my social networks that the second season of 13 Reasons Why was going to start and I was so happy but after that I saw that it would start in a very bad day because I am going to be studying all the day and I do not think that I can watch it, so I am a bit sad.

13 Reasons Why is an American series who talkd about the suicide of a young girl because she suffered bullying. But before dying she records some tapes telling all her story. In total, there are 13 tapes and every tape is a person and every person who appears in the tapes must listen to all the tapes for him/her to know all the story and check that he or she was guilty of her suicide. 

It is a very good series that moved a lot of people, I think that every teenager watched it because in a very short time, the series was very very famous.

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